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Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is a voluntary programme intended to develop or improve skills, physical ability and self-motivation in young people. This is done in four different sections – volunteering, physical, skills and expedition.

Participants in the Award are using their own time to follow activities of their own choice. While guidance and support is available from the school the driving force behind ‘The Award’ must be the paricipants' own self-motivation. For some participants achieving the self-control required to complete the scheme is as big a hurdle as the components themselves. The Award is a non-competitive, equally available, voluntary and highly flexible scheme. There is the opportunity for participants to develop their personal interests, and due to the high demands on their time, participants are recommended to incorporate as many as possible of their existing activities into the Award.

The parent information booklet can be found here

DofE Updates

- The DofE office has now moved. It's on the corridor with rooms 28 and 29 in the corner.

- The office hours are:

Wednesday 13.30 - 14.00

Friday 8.20 - 8.40

- The contact email is

Year 9 Bronze

Parent Information Letter

The Google Classroom code your child must join is 44t623o

All further updates can be found on the Google Classroom

Year 10 Bronze

Parent Information Letter

The Google Classroom code your child must join is eouytis

All further updates can be found on the Google Classroom

Year 12 Gold

The Google Classroom code your child must join is l6ywomn

All further updates can be found on the Google Classroom

General Documents