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Science Snippets Communication Competition

Science communication is as important as science itself. In the words of Richard Feynman: "If you can't explain something to a first year student, then you haven't really understood". Tonbridge School organised a science communication competition: Science Snippets - 4 minutes to win it!

Over 150 students submitted a 1 minute video on a science topic of their choice and 22 students were selected to speak for 4 minutes in The Grand Finale on 8th May. Jackson (Y7) was the youngest speaker in the competition with his talk "Striving towards (nearly) infinite energy" in which he demonstrated his own (nearly) infinite energy. Y12 Elliot and Molly each gave excellent talks on gravity and human evolution respectively. The quality of the talks was outstanding so the competition was fierce. So we were very proud of Jackson for his special mention for the under 16 category and Elliot who won the third prize for the post 16 category. Congratulations!