The Judd School Politics, Economics and Current Affairs Society Journal

The PEACAS Journal 2022-2024, inside is a selection of articles, essays and opinion pieces written by students of The Judd School from 2022 to 2023 and 2023 - 2024, during these two academic years, we visited New York City and Washington DC twice; we attended conferences organised by PoleconUk; we visited institutions in Westminster; students also submitted essays for internal and external essay competitions; we also entertained guest speakers in school; visited the theatre and ran a mock general election on 4th July 2024. All of these - and more are represented in our PEACAS journal.
Editorial committee: Alaina A, Amelia C, Elena P, Imogen H, Via M
Editor: Ellie G: Economics prefect
Executive editor: Ms K J Galvin, Head of Economics and Politics