Winners of the English Poetry House Competition

The English department was delighted to have had a number of submissions across KS3 for our inter House poetry competition. We used Young Writers UK and their competition Through Their Eyes to encourage students to write from alternative perspectives. The quality received was exceptional and 32 of our students have been selected to have their work published in the next Young Writers anthology. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to see their name in print and we hope the pupils are as proud of themselves as we are of them!
Special shoutout to 7R who sent in 13 submissions, with many being selected for publication. The internal winners judged by the English department for the House Competition were:
1st Nathan Kibara 7S with Outsiders
2nd George 7S with Oh Why Can't I Escape?
3rd Zayne 8B with Through the Eyes of Me
These students can expect a prize and certificate next week. Read their entries here.