It is with great pleasure that we congratulate Year 11 student Alex on gaining the prestigious award of Associateship of the Royal College of Organists.
Congratulations to our Chemistry department who are very proud to announce the Royal Society of Chemistry Olympiad results which have been very impressive this year: 30 Bronze, 11 Silver and 2 Golds!
Fly Lab represent school at prestigious science event
A group of eight year 12 students recently attended Tonbridge School's international scientific conference with several schools from the South East and London as well as Germany and Japan!
Congratulations to Dr Courel, Head of Biology and the Young Scientists Journal team who have been awarded the runner-up prize of the 2018 Aspire to Engineer competition on Genetic Engineering, run by the Royal Commission for the Exhibition 1851. They win a video call with Madeline Van Oppen from the...