Judd Remembers

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At the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day of the eleventh month we will remember them.
We welcomed Old Juddians, CCF and students from the 6th form at the Judd School wreath laying ceremony at the School's main gates. Generations of Juddians came together to pause, reflect and remember those who have and continue to protect our freedom.
The ceremony commenced with a Welcome Prayer read by Headteacher, Jonathan Wood and a reading of 'In Flanders Fields' from Cadet RSM Ryan Marshall. F Sgt Henry Bretz continued proceedings with the reading of the names of former pupils and masters of the school who gave their lives. The two wreaths were laid by Mr Wood and Captain Steve Hawkins on behalf of the Old Juddians Society. Student Charlie Gough-Palmer played The Last Post beautifully.
It was a pleasure to welcome OJ guests to the School Room afterwards for refreshments with staff and students. We would be honoured to welcome more members of our OJ Community at future events.