The study of Mathematics is a unique and important discipline which encompasses so much more than the numeracy skills which most people remember from their school days. How to construct a logical argument or how to systematically tackle a new problem are important skills in their own right but the manipulation of data and numbers also underpins any financial, technical or scientific activity. An understanding of mathematics is essential for success in the modern world.
We are fortunate at this school that so many of our students already arrive with a love of mathematics and very high levels of numeracy. Our aim is to continue their enthusiasm for mathematics while supporting the development of their mathematical skills through some very tricky concepts. We ensure that they gain the mathematics they need to be successful in all subjects while also ensuring that they have access to every level of mathematics available at school level and beyond. It is a balance of developing numerical skills alongside skills in evidence based argument and interpretation of data.
In principle maintaining an enthusiasm for mathematics should be relatively straightforward as this subject is a creative and highly interconnected subject that has been refined over several thousand years. Some of the most intriguing problems in history have been mathematical and the Clay institute is still offering a million dollars for the solution of 6 important mathematical problems. We should remember that people use logic to solve sudoku problems for fun! However we do need to acknowledge that while the importance of the subject is clear, school will largely be a time for gaining and consolidating mathematical knowledge distilled from two thousand years of human endeavour. This is important to support success in other subjects and it is vital in preparing for examining the cutting edge of mathematics at graduate levels of study. What is equally important though is the simultaneous development of competence in applying the skills .
The study of mathematics at this school should allow all of our students to become accomplished mathematicians who are able to reason mathematically and interpret data across a wide range of topics. We try and do this while maintaining a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about this beautiful and powerful subject.
Information on how Mathematics is taught across the Key Stages can be found below