OJ Centenary Dinner

On Saturday 8th June the Old Juddians' Society were delighted to welcome over 200 OJ's back to the school for their Centenary Dinner.
Proceedings were scheduled to start with a reception in the School Room at 6.30 p.m.,
however, some OJ’s were so keen to start the festivities that they began arriving just after
6 p.m. Fortunately we had just finished setting up and stocking the bar so there was beer
on hand to satisfy the early revellers. Old friends were reunited and conversation was mingled with music superbly played by the school musicians.
MC Brian Buck called for quiet at 7p.m. and there followed three short speeches.
The first by chairman, Howard Dolling, who welcomed the guests and gave a brief update
on recent and upcoming events of the Society. He also presented bouquets to Nicki Prendergast, the head master’s PA and Jane Porter, the school’s Graphics Designer for all the work they had done to make this evening possible. He also paid tribute to James Taylor, who despite just becoming a father again on the day before the dinner, had ensured the bars were set up and manned by 6 th formers. As a sign of our gratitude, he was presented with a bottle of champagne in thanks for his hard work and to wet the baby’s head.
The headmaster, Jon Wood, spoke of the school and the longevity of headmasters, he, being only the 8 th in 136 years since the school was founded in 1888. A remarkable statistic and testimony to the love and affection all feel and felt for the school. Joshua Eaton, the head boy completed the speeches with an accomplished resume of events from his perspective in the past school year. There followed another half an hour of pleasant libation and conversation before the gathered throng made their way to the Ashton Dining Room, where dinner was served. The weather was warm and sunny and those assembled outside with drinks in hand were
understandably reluctant to take their seats.
The dining room had been superbly decorated and thanks and congratulations are due to the team, who worked tirelessly the evening before and on the day to achieve such a great result.
To serve over 200 dinners inevitably took some time but the food was well prepared and enjoyed by all. At the end of dinner, after the Loyal Toast, the chairman, thanked Donna Drawbridge, the head chef for the work of herself and her team and he presented her with a bouquet in thanks and recognition for all she had done. The formal part of the evening closed with the headmaster leading a rousing rendition of the school hymn, “Jerusalem”. Thereafter, the bar remained open until just after midnight when festivities drew to a close.
A great evening, thoroughly enjoyed by all. Thank you all for your support and presence.
We hope to see you next year. In conclusion, here are a few quotes, which I think encapsulate the essence of the evening.
Howard Dolling,
Chairman, Old Juddian Society
“You will all know and understand what an important part the Judd School played in our lives and I shall always be grateful to the school, all the staff and the very many friends I made in my time there.”
“It was fantastic to be back at Judd, to see some old faces, and to be surrounded by so many Old Juddians. I have very fond memories of my time at Judd. Our group all enjoyed the evening very much. I look forward to attending future reunions.”
“I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful 100th OJ dinner on Saturday, definitely worth coming over from France for and very good value to boot.”
“I really want to thank the OJS so much for setting up the Centenary OJ Dinner last Saturday. What an occasion! You ought to be proud of your efforts. It was great to meet up with old mates from 60 years or more back, and the conversations were remarkable. The food and drink were excellent, and the singing of Jerusalem was astonishing.”
“Congratulations on a beautifully orchestrated centenary get-together. I don’t know what the collective noun is for so many Old Juddians, but you certainly brought together a lot of sentimental memories to make a wonderful celebration.”
“What a triumph! My group thoroughly enjoyed the whole event and looking around it was clear everyone else was having a good time.”